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Pricing for Labor Unions of Any Size

Pay for only the features that you need, based on your Local's membership size.



The essentials needed to run your local more efficiently and connect to your members.

$100 - $200

per month

price based on membership size

  • Unlimited members
  • Unlimited admins
  • Unlimited internal messaging
  • File storage (50 GB Free)*
  • Cloud hosted (no on-prem hardware)
  • Apple and Android apps included
  • Free setup & support
Request a Demo Call us to get started (888) 978-6466

Job Dispatch

Streamline your job dispatch process with a configurable and powerful set of tools.

$100 - $300

per month

price based on membership size

  • Unlimited job calls
  • Auto-selection (optional)
  • Job history tracking (optional)
  • OoWL management
  • Mobile re-sign
  • Dispatch Slips
Request a Demo Call us to get started (888) 978-6466

Member Dues

A complete payments solution that's easy to use with competitive rates.

2.8% - 4.5%

per transaction


  • Competitive rates
  • 2-day deposits
  • All major card brands
  • PCI compliant
  • Dues history tracking
  • Dues reminders
  • Merch store
Request a Demo Call us to get started (888) 978-6466
* Additional storage is $10.00/mo per 20 GB of data.
Add On

External Messaging

Voice and text messaging for local members without a Union Worx account. Only $0.028 per message and refill at any time.
Learn More

per 5,000 credits
Group 16
Add On

Premium Support

For those administrators who want the peace of mind that comes from hands-on support. Premium Support includes phone support with a 4-hour SLA.

per month
Group 23
Add On

Automated Recorder Line

With Union Worx, you can automatically transfer your job calls into recordings, saving you hours. Members can even bid right from their phones with the press of a button.

per month
Combined Shape

What's Included With Union Worx

We don't nickle and dime you like some competitors; we include essential services and features to maximize your success.

New Features
Smart Phone Apps
Training & Onboarding
Ongoing Support
Software Updates & Fixes
Group 7 Included in Price Not included with competitors
Group 7 Included in Price Not included with competitors
Group 7 Included in Price Not included with competitors
Group 7 Included in Price Not included with competitors
Group 7 Included in Price Not included with competitors
Group 9 Not included in Price
Group 9 Not included in Price
Group 9 Not included in Price
Group 9 Not included in Price
Group 9 Not included in Price

Ready To Get Started?

Get in touch with our sales team to get started or request a demo to see Union Worx in action.

FAQs About Union Worx Pricing

Do you have questions about the cost of Union Worx? Review our FAQs to find answers to the most common pricing questions.

How much does Union Worx Cost?

Our pricing is dependent on which features you are using but is designed to scale with the number of members you have using the system.

What if a member doesn’t have a computer/smartphone or doesn’t want to use the system for job calls?

Staff are empowered to perform all operations for a member, including bidding for them. In addition, job calls can be posted on a phone system and for members to call or fax in their bids.

Is Union Worx Member Dues secure?

Yes, Union Worx Member Dues payments are PCI compliant. We partner with Elavon for processing and NMI for our gateway. These two entities handle the security and safety of payments that are made through Union Worx.

Does Union Worx Member Dues integrate with Labor Power?

There is no direct integration with Labor Power at this time. However, the customers who use us for dues tracking and payments take the payments in Union Worx and make a record in Labor Power. While this additional effort isn't ideal, the customers that use us find the additional savings on cost and ease of use for them and their members more than makes up for the minimal extra effort.

What about transparency; how do people know that the automatic selection process is fair?

All actions are logged in the system and can be audited. This includes modifying bids, out of work list, and re-signs.

How much does training and support cost?

Onboarding, training, and ongoing support are included in the price of Union Worx. However, we do have an option for monthly premium support that will provide expedited access to support for those who need it.

Can I customize messages and notifications?

Yes. Most messages and notifications can be customized to fit your needs. This includes customizing the text style and formatting, adding links, attaching files, and including videos.

What if a member doesn’t have a computer/smartphone or doesn’t want to use the system for job calls?

Staff are allowed to do all operations for a user, including bidding for them. Additionally, job calls can be posted on a phone system for members to call in or fax their bids.

Do you offer card readers for in-person payments?

Yes, we do have card readers for purchase. We have a portable option and a stationary countertop option availaable for purchase. Both have the same features and capabilities.

How much does External Messaging Cost?

Our External Messaging feature is very reasonable; we offer a 5,000 credit bundle for $140.00. It costs two credits for a voice message and one credit for a text message. You pay as you go, and there is no time limit to use the credits. You can buy as many credit bundles as you like at any time.

Do I have to pay a separate fee for the mobile apps?

Both the iOS and Android smartphone apps are included in the price of Union Worx.

How is Union Worx different than Working Systems Labor Power?

We offer a focused tool for managing members, messaging, member dues, managing the out of work list, and automating the job call process. Our system streamlines these processes and includes everything you need, including mobile apps, for no additional cost.

In addition, Union Worx is cloud-based, meaning no on-premises hardware installation needs to be maintained or serviced. Union Worx automatically stays up-to-date, and our customers receive free feature updates and software improvements.

How are external messages different from regular messages and notifications?

Our core Messaging feature is free and allows you to message and notify members with a Union Worx account as much as you want. External Messaging is designed to reach members or former members without a Union Worx account. Customers have also used External Messaging to deliver sensitive information via a voice recording, like a member's death.

What are the payment transaction fees for member dues?

We offer very competitive rates; we typically charge between 2.8% - 4.5% per transaction. There are no additional hidden fees, and everything is included in that flat per-charge transaction fee. This pricing is negotiated, and we're confident we can beat your current processor's rates. In some cases, we can save you $1,000s of dollars a year on processing fees.

Can I control when job call selection occurs and how long a job call is visible?

Yes, visibility can be configured per job call, and the selection time can be changed.

Does a members job and bidding history disappear when they are taken off the out of work list?

As long as they remain a member in the system, their history will remain, even when not on the out of work list.

Who pays for the transaction fees, members or the union hall?

You can choose whether or not to absorb the fee or pass it along to your members.

How often will I be billed?

We can bill you monthly or annually, and it is based on your preference; however, many locals choose to pay it yearly.

Does Union Worx support dings?

The system does support a manual ding system.

How long do I have to sign up for Union Worx?

We don't have a long term contract. You can pay monthly and cancel at any time.

Can anyone bid on any job call? What if a contractor turns them down?

A member can be blocked from a contractor, which would not allow them to bid on any of their job calls.

What kind of notifications are sent to members?

Notifications are sent when the monthly re-sign period begins when they are selected or not selected for a job call, when new job calls for the day are available, and when membership dues are due. These are all configurable by the admin, and members can choose their delivery preferences.

Who can see the out of work list?

This is configurable and can show the entire list to members or, alternatively, the number of members on a book. If a local has more specific needs, further customization is available.

How many member files and documents can be stored on Union Worx?

We offer up to 50 GB of file storage for free. Additional file storage can be purchased at $10 per 20 GB monthly.

How many messages and notifications are included in the price of Union Worx?

We offer unlimitted internal messages and notifications.

What about members who are 'old school' and don't want to use Union Worx?

Union Worx is built to accommodate both the upcoming generation of members and the current generation of members, of which some are apprehensive about technology. For job calls, we have an optional automated recorder line. Members can call in and hear the available job calls and bid on them. For dues, members can still come into the hall and pay with cash. Administrators can manually record the payment in the system. Administrators can still track and record these critical activities outside of the member's participation.

What if a member doesn't want to receive a specific type of message format?

Members have complete control over what types of messages and notifications they receive. In addition, administrators can select the frequency and cadence of certain messages and notifications.

How are staff notified about selection results?

Staff members can be emailed the results, and the result history is kept in the system forever.

How do members sign up?

Members can sign up through the website or app and need approval from staff before they can access their accounts.

Can I control which members are allowed on Union Worx?

Yes, users need to be approved by staff before they are allowed to log in.